27 JUN 05: CBS News

Yesterday, I got to do an interview with CBS for the fourth of july. The running joke around headquarters has been maybe we shouldn't let Vick speak for the whole Corps. But the COL I was out there with said I did great. Go figure. You stick a camera (which I hate) in front of my face and I did not curse once.
Yeah Go me. I did not really get any hard questions except did I think the war was worth wining at any cost. I said yes. Of course. Because the tree of liberty must be replentished from time to time with the blood of dictators and patriots alike. Although I think I added heros in there when I said it durning the interview. I wonder how many people out there will recognize that I was feebly attmepting to quote jefferson one of our founding fathers.
It is intresting watching the Iraqis learn what freedom and democracy is. You never realize how much you learn about democracy in our country just by voting for everything like we do from grade school on up.
It is catching on.
Remember "Freedom is America's greatest export!" GEN George Washington.
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