Monday, May 09, 2005

9 May 05: Basrah part III

Okay so I promised this like weeks ago. But here it is.

So we get back to the base that night and discover there is quite the active nightlife at this little camp. The british know how to work hard and play hard. There is farewell for the Dane Plans officer or the G3 for you military types. He has this ceremony which is very cool. He inductes everyone who is leaving into Val halla. So by now you have figured out this guys is a dane (viking) from denmark not to be confused with the Dutch from Holland.

So I discover there are two pubs ont he base. The brits have a strictly officers club. Which is quite tame and proper. Then on the back side of camp or the wrong side of the tracks if you ask me the brits have the all ranks club.

So those of you who know me have probably figured out where I ended up. If you guessed the all ranks club you are right. Now Young Berlin is walking around talking to every british lass he can find. So he mets one talks for a little bit then he is like okay sir come take the photo. I do. It was nice to just sit in the pub. Unlike foriegn soldiers US soldiers are not allowed to drink so we just drank lemonade and stuff and talked to the brits to see how it was in their country and army as opposed to ours.

Then we went to bed about 2200. Then we got up at 0500 to be over at the airport to get back on our flight to Baghdad. So we get to the airport and have to check in like we are at a civilian airport back stateside. Just like the airports back home you stand in line and the ticket guy does not call you to the counter until the exact boarding time. Doesn't even acknowledge your presence. I thought it was so funny. So we wait for like an hour sleeping on the floor of the gate just like in a real airport and then they call us over the loud speaker and we go board the plane.

Ah British pilots. I love these guys. So due to missle threats we have to do all this fancy flying right after we take off. So the pilot does all these hard banks and turns and stuff. Pulling G's in a C-130 wow it was like a wild rollercoaster ride that smells of diesel fuel.

I look left. A british officer blows chuncks into his little baggie. after and hour and a half I wake up cause we are just circling the airport in Baghdad. So typical. I am getting delayed in war zone. So we do the corkscrew on the way down. More Gs until just before we touch down. Same brit officer blows chunks again. He was obviously not a paratrooper cuase the 3 paratroopers on the plane all americans were like wow were actually gonna get to land in a plane. Not to mention we enjoyed the rollercoaster ride.

So that was it for basrah.


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