Tuesday, April 26, 2005

26 APR 05: Rain

Well for those of you who have been praying for rain. We got a mean dust storm on sunday night. Which despite the wind and the dust is not that bad because the wind is cool as opposed to the rest of the time that the wind is hot. Nothing like coming out on a 106 degree day which we had two off them back to back followed by a 104 degree day and feel hot wind. Oh yeah.

So Monday we had a good cloud cover for most of the day and so it was realatively cool. Not to bad actually. not to mention we got some sprinkles yesterday. nothing to really call rain. But any precipitation here is good.

But it started steady light rain last night and it has been going lightly off and on all day. So don't stop praying for rain. God knows we need it. I would like to have a light rain once a week for as long as I am in this country. People here say it never rains in the summer here. But I bet God could make it rain at least once during the summer. So pray for rain in Iraq.

hope all is well.

Ben you ready. Time is getting close.


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