11 OCT 05: Out bound to Hawaii

This is a picture of me in the final stages of my flight out of iraq on leave way back on july 15th. I know how come it took me so long to post? Well simply because I told my self I would update my blog but I was simply just caught up in leave. So the way it works is that if you are in iraq you fly to kuwait. You stand around out in direct sun in 125+ degree weather where they move you around all day. You have like 5 fourmations each one takes like 1.5 hrs to read all 200+ names that are leaving on your 747. So after you get through customs where you are almost strip searched then they rifle through every thing in your on carry on bag. Honestly you think flying is rough in the U.S. you aint seen nuthing until you try to leave iraq. But this photo was taken in the final holding area before they load you onto a plane to fly to go back to the good ole U.S. of A. So that should explain the smile. smiles are not something I am known for if you can believe that?
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