First up on this Blog Hanoi Jane. My family has served in the military for the last 5 generations on my motherside. Hell line goes Back To GEN Sam Houston. My fathers line goes back 4 generations. So when I call her Hanoi Jane it is because I have read what she did in vietnam and I am ashamed that my country was so spineless that they did not charge her with treason. Not sure what treason is? read your constitution. Many of you need to do it any way. Believe me! I got soldiers that don't even know that voting is not a protected right by the constitution.
Said Hanoi Jane to the Washington Post, about the killing machines, who weren't killing enough, causing the Military to change procedures: "When you put young people into an atrocity-producing situation where enemy and civilian are commingled, where the 'other side' is dehumanized, we cannot be surprised."
No one is being dehumanized. Soldiers here are not allowed to call iraqis any of the demeaning terms we have back in the states for Arabs. You know what I am talking about. The only dehumanizing out there is the terrorist every time they blow up kids and civilians. But they learned everytime they stand and fight the U.S. they get the taste slapped out of their mouths and the terrorists go home in bags. The nly good place for a terrorist if you ask me.
Hey janie shut your pie hole. This ain't vietnam. I got it your to scared to fight for freedom but you are willing to take America and its freedoms for granted. You are a sorry excuse for a human and an even worse American. You drag down our whole society every time you open your mouth why can't you do something useful and go help France surrender. Your rhetoric will fit right in that country of appeasers.
I am sad that our country has gotten to the point where someone who is afraid to fight for freedom gets press coverage every time they speak. In case anyone reads what the liberals say and most of the celebrities then you know that "they know alot stuff about stuff that is just simply not true"
Do us a favor if you are scared to fight for freedom then stay home and keep your mouth shut and be thankful that there are Americans with enough courage to realize that freedom isn't free it is paid for in blood by those with the courage to defend it. Those willing to fight and die and kill for it! Believe me Freedom is worth doing all of those things for.
Second up Murtha.
Congressman John Al-Murtha began his tirade: "We've got nation building by the U.S. military, and that's not a mission for the U.S. military. I've said this over and over again: They're not good at nation building. You've given them a mission which they cannot carry out. They do the best they can, but they can't do it."
Obviously government schools did not teach when Murtha was in school either. If some of you remember the US military has done nation building before. Hmmm lets see; oh that's right Japan after WWII. Anyone there know how long that took? Alot longer than what is happening in Iraq. Also look at the nation the U.S. helped build. They still got that Samarai blood in them cause they are over here when push comes to shove. This is a country that went from being our mortal enemy 60 years ago to standing shoulder to shoulder with us in the war on terror.
Rep Murtha, if you remember what Hannibal said when he was defeating the armies of rome he said "Where the will is the way can be found."
I think you have been drinking the liberal kool-aid alittle to long cause you seem afraid of everything. Very Un marine like. Marine do the hard things and then bragg about it.
C'mon be a leader! Being a leader is about making those hard decisions even when they are not popular! Since when do people really know what they want? Or what is good for us. If that was true then God would answer all my prayers. But thank God for unanswered prayers. I can't imagine where I would be if he had answered them all.
I want you to know everytime you get some air play saying what we can't do it. You get Americans service men and coalition and iraqi's killed. Thanks for that! The terrorist love to hear that crap. You embolden them every time you speak. My mother taught me if you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all. Sorry to let you down mom. But Murtha you should follow her advice or at least stop identifitying yourself as a Marine. Then I won't feel so guilty for letting you have it. But let me tell you every time you speak up it gets easier and easier for me. Your fellow Marines out here sign and shake their heads in digust everytime your name comes up. I think they are ashamed. Frankly I don't blame them. If you were in the army I would be ashamed of you.
I just want to know if you even remember at what point you sold out!?! Your time has passed and if you are scared of doing the heavy lifting let someone else do it. Do those of us doing the heavy lifting a favor and keep you yap shut. Cause you aren't helping anyone out here or back at home.
In case you weren't watching. The Iraqi's voted again. This does not mean anything to you and the naysayers. But hey they got their own governement. It may not be perfect but it will get better with time. Also this time the voting was more peaceful then the last two times before and the Sunni's voted in droves.
America! Right now we need to be United! UNITED WE STAND! DIVIDED WE WILL FALL!
Don't let us fall. Take action. Live a life of effort against Americas that have given themselves over to fear and self loathing.
I hear my boxing students say they can't do this or that. I always get upset at them and tell them "quit telling me what you can't do and tell what you can do. All things are possible." Then I get that I'll try crap. I don't let them off the hook with that either. I tell them "Do or Do not. There is no try!" Yoda knew how to say it. Short and sweet. You can if you want to and you are willing to pay the price. The price is never to high for freedom. Especially when Iraqis are dying by the dozens to get their freedom.
Be proud to be an American. America "Our greatest Export is Freedom!" George Washinton. General of the Continetal Army and 1st Pres of the US.
Said Hanoi Jane to the Washington Post, about the killing machines, who weren't killing enough, causing the Military to change procedures: "When you put young people into an atrocity-producing situation where enemy and civilian are commingled, where the 'other side' is dehumanized, we cannot be surprised."
No one is being dehumanized. Soldiers here are not allowed to call iraqis any of the demeaning terms we have back in the states for Arabs. You know what I am talking about. The only dehumanizing out there is the terrorist every time they blow up kids and civilians. But they learned everytime they stand and fight the U.S. they get the taste slapped out of their mouths and the terrorists go home in bags. The nly good place for a terrorist if you ask me.
Hey janie shut your pie hole. This ain't vietnam. I got it your to scared to fight for freedom but you are willing to take America and its freedoms for granted. You are a sorry excuse for a human and an even worse American. You drag down our whole society every time you open your mouth why can't you do something useful and go help France surrender. Your rhetoric will fit right in that country of appeasers.
I am sad that our country has gotten to the point where someone who is afraid to fight for freedom gets press coverage every time they speak. In case anyone reads what the liberals say and most of the celebrities then you know that "they know alot stuff about stuff that is just simply not true"
Do us a favor if you are scared to fight for freedom then stay home and keep your mouth shut and be thankful that there are Americans with enough courage to realize that freedom isn't free it is paid for in blood by those with the courage to defend it. Those willing to fight and die and kill for it! Believe me Freedom is worth doing all of those things for.
Second up Murtha.
Congressman John Al-Murtha began his tirade: "We've got nation building by the U.S. military, and that's not a mission for the U.S. military. I've said this over and over again: They're not good at nation building. You've given them a mission which they cannot carry out. They do the best they can, but they can't do it."
Obviously government schools did not teach when Murtha was in school either. If some of you remember the US military has done nation building before. Hmmm lets see; oh that's right Japan after WWII. Anyone there know how long that took? Alot longer than what is happening in Iraq. Also look at the nation the U.S. helped build. They still got that Samarai blood in them cause they are over here when push comes to shove. This is a country that went from being our mortal enemy 60 years ago to standing shoulder to shoulder with us in the war on terror.
Rep Murtha, if you remember what Hannibal said when he was defeating the armies of rome he said "Where the will is the way can be found."
I think you have been drinking the liberal kool-aid alittle to long cause you seem afraid of everything. Very Un marine like. Marine do the hard things and then bragg about it.
C'mon be a leader! Being a leader is about making those hard decisions even when they are not popular! Since when do people really know what they want? Or what is good for us. If that was true then God would answer all my prayers. But thank God for unanswered prayers. I can't imagine where I would be if he had answered them all.
I want you to know everytime you get some air play saying what we can't do it. You get Americans service men and coalition and iraqi's killed. Thanks for that! The terrorist love to hear that crap. You embolden them every time you speak. My mother taught me if you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all. Sorry to let you down mom. But Murtha you should follow her advice or at least stop identifitying yourself as a Marine. Then I won't feel so guilty for letting you have it. But let me tell you every time you speak up it gets easier and easier for me. Your fellow Marines out here sign and shake their heads in digust everytime your name comes up. I think they are ashamed. Frankly I don't blame them. If you were in the army I would be ashamed of you.
I just want to know if you even remember at what point you sold out!?! Your time has passed and if you are scared of doing the heavy lifting let someone else do it. Do those of us doing the heavy lifting a favor and keep you yap shut. Cause you aren't helping anyone out here or back at home.
In case you weren't watching. The Iraqi's voted again. This does not mean anything to you and the naysayers. But hey they got their own governement. It may not be perfect but it will get better with time. Also this time the voting was more peaceful then the last two times before and the Sunni's voted in droves.
America! Right now we need to be United! UNITED WE STAND! DIVIDED WE WILL FALL!
Don't let us fall. Take action. Live a life of effort against Americas that have given themselves over to fear and self loathing.
I hear my boxing students say they can't do this or that. I always get upset at them and tell them "quit telling me what you can't do and tell what you can do. All things are possible." Then I get that I'll try crap. I don't let them off the hook with that either. I tell them "Do or Do not. There is no try!" Yoda knew how to say it. Short and sweet. You can if you want to and you are willing to pay the price. The price is never to high for freedom. Especially when Iraqis are dying by the dozens to get their freedom.
Be proud to be an American. America "Our greatest Export is Freedom!" George Washinton. General of the Continetal Army and 1st Pres of the US.
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