Sunday, November 20, 2005


Wow my Tax dollars at work! again!!!

Well it is bad enough that the government has been getting larger at a rate then I can remember in the last two decades. And yes I followed politics at eleven!

Well last week Congress voted to give themselves a pay raise. I am willing to bet it is was not just the republicans who voted yes on that one. But here is my gripe. Me and the boys here in Iraq and Afghanistan did not get one. Sure we get a COLA most Jan's but even getting that passed is like pulling teeth on an unsedated crocodile. I keep hearing that the deficit is out of control. Well hey fella's take one for the team and vote not to give yourself a raise! Most of you don't deserve it! How do I know! See my last politically charged Blog. There are elected officials that don't know what posse comitatitus is and officials that don't seem to understand that the supreme court and the courts in general are not a legislative body. Remember elementry school? three branches of government: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.

Also, if you are gonna give yourselves a pay raise and then take a long weekend. Do you think maybe you could do something good like make it so the armed forces doesn't have to pay any taxes state or fed? I mean honestly you are taking a long weekend while we are spilling our Blood for a great and noble cause. But there are kids out here that have not gotten four day pass since they have been here.

Or better yet how about a flat tax or a national sales tax? That should boost the economy nicely.

Also while I am ranting I keep reading all this crap about how the Republicans voted to cut social programs by 700 million dollars. HAH! Okay I am throwing the B.S. Flag on that! Congress nor the republicans have voted to cut jack since 2000. What they did do was put a cap on the spending projected for next year. Meaning that next year we are not Adding 700 million to social programs. But that is not cutting spending. Cutting is like this.

National budget 2005 is 5 trillion. National budget for 2006 3.5 trillion.
That is cutting! Just in case some of you are confused. What the congress did with these so called cuts was this:

National budget 2005 is 5 trillion, we were supposed to add .5 trillion next year but instead we will put in some caps and only increase .25 trillion. So national budget 2006 is 5.25 trillion.

Cutting spending I think not.

Bad Congress! Bad!

Also Do you think we can all pull together and agree that the bad guys over here need to be killed or thrown in jail.

Hey if you are a Senator or a REP for a state and you stand up and ask for a withdrawal. You should look and see how it effects suicide bombings. Everytime one of you spineless weasels who have for gotten that "Freedom is our greatest Export" stands up and says something that stupid we get more Suicide bombers over here. Don't believe me two days ago some Sen said that I won't mention which party he was with but he is an appeaser. Always good to appease the local bully. Hell I learned that in elementary school. Not!! But the last two days get on the web and see how many people died over here due to suicide bombers. Coincidence! I think not!

Hey media! every time you run that story; I don't know like every 15 mins, you are getting innocent people in Iraq and the Stan blown up. Thanks for helping. But with that kind of help who really needs enemies. Honestly! Not to mention my buddies that are swearing an oath to protect your sorry butt. So you can believe a lying marine SSG who is trying to get famous by making up war crimes. Without even checking the facts. I understand there is no such thing as journalistic integrity anymore but jeez you can at least check to see if the guys is a liar or not? Hello no wonder everyone is watching fox news. They at least check some of their stories.

Media I got news for you. The vast majority of us don't like killing people who are just trying to go to work. Contrary to your belief we are not maniacs with guns. I have heard accounts of units over here not returning fire because the bad guys were using little kids as Shields. But hey were just a bunch of baby killers. Right!!

This is not Vietnam! Not that I believe that this stuff really happened on the whole sale level in Vietnam like the media said it did back then. I know to many Vietnam vets. I know to many great Americans. Last I checked we are pretty much peace loving people but if you start a fight with us you will pay for it.

If you are reading this and you want to do something about it write your local TV station and maybe a few national ones and ask them to do a story on the kids going to school in Iraq. Ask them how much power there is in the country of Iraq. Ask them about economic recovery. Those are stories worth watching also. Here is a story idea for you guys since you can't think them up on your own. Women voting in Iraq. Hello it is as big a deal here as it was in the US when it happened. Were are the feminsts at now. Oh wait! your only a feminist if you hate George Bush and are agains tthe war. I thought the purpose of Feminism was equailty for Women. Not just liberal women. So hey how about getting the media to cover some of the equaility gains by the Iraqi women. Do something besides Nag and Bitch about problems. In fact be part of the solution instead of the endless noise THAT IS REALLY THE PROBLEM!!!!!!

This is a time to quit being so passive. Sure all of us guys over here love the letters and the boxes you send. But how about some of you get together and start fighting the media or start sending money to some media groups who are putting out the good stuff we are doing over here in Iraq and Afghanistan. Start throwing your own B.S. flags at the media!! Be part of the Solution. Don't be a bench warmer!

CONGRESS! GET A SPINE! TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM! Bush be a man veto the Darn pay raise! I am sure there was some other wasted spending in the bill any way.

God knows there is a bunch of us out here taking plenty for the congress. I think they should not be allowed a pay raise until the all know the bill of rights, the preamble, and what posse comitatius is and what it was created. That sould take about 10 years.


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