Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Well some of my friends that know me will tell you I don't have a heart to break. But that is not true. Sure I don't cry at the sappy movies or funerals even. Especially for servicemen when they fall. People always ask me aren't you upset. Sure I am angry. But I look at it as thes guys are enjoying their time in Heaven cause they have done their tour in HELL.
So what breaks my heart. Well being here for the holidays is rough. But I called my wife yesterday. She is visiting her family in the heartland. My little girls are with them enjoying some serious snow. My Shephard is finally happy considering he is a cold weather dog and he never gets cold weather down south. But to listen to my daughters playing in the back ground and having fun. I wished I was there. The thoughts of the stuff that I was missing was breaking my heart. But to talk to them on the phone was gut wrenching.
Not being around my family for the holidays is the roughest part of all of it.
This what takes a toll on you especially when I got leaders in my government talking about we did this all for nothing.
What a reckless statement.
So what breaks my heart. Well being here for the holidays is rough. But I called my wife yesterday. She is visiting her family in the heartland. My little girls are with them enjoying some serious snow. My Shephard is finally happy considering he is a cold weather dog and he never gets cold weather down south. But to listen to my daughters playing in the back ground and having fun. I wished I was there. The thoughts of the stuff that I was missing was breaking my heart. But to talk to them on the phone was gut wrenching.
Not being around my family for the holidays is the roughest part of all of it.
This what takes a toll on you especially when I got leaders in my government talking about we did this all for nothing.
What a reckless statement.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
First up on this Blog Hanoi Jane. My family has served in the military for the last 5 generations on my motherside. Hell line goes Back To GEN Sam Houston. My fathers line goes back 4 generations. So when I call her Hanoi Jane it is because I have read what she did in vietnam and I am ashamed that my country was so spineless that they did not charge her with treason. Not sure what treason is? read your constitution. Many of you need to do it any way. Believe me! I got soldiers that don't even know that voting is not a protected right by the constitution.
Said Hanoi Jane to the Washington Post, about the killing machines, who weren't killing enough, causing the Military to change procedures: "When you put young people into an atrocity-producing situation where enemy and civilian are commingled, where the 'other side' is dehumanized, we cannot be surprised."
No one is being dehumanized. Soldiers here are not allowed to call iraqis any of the demeaning terms we have back in the states for Arabs. You know what I am talking about. The only dehumanizing out there is the terrorist every time they blow up kids and civilians. But they learned everytime they stand and fight the U.S. they get the taste slapped out of their mouths and the terrorists go home in bags. The nly good place for a terrorist if you ask me.
Hey janie shut your pie hole. This ain't vietnam. I got it your to scared to fight for freedom but you are willing to take America and its freedoms for granted. You are a sorry excuse for a human and an even worse American. You drag down our whole society every time you open your mouth why can't you do something useful and go help France surrender. Your rhetoric will fit right in that country of appeasers.
I am sad that our country has gotten to the point where someone who is afraid to fight for freedom gets press coverage every time they speak. In case anyone reads what the liberals say and most of the celebrities then you know that "they know alot stuff about stuff that is just simply not true"
Do us a favor if you are scared to fight for freedom then stay home and keep your mouth shut and be thankful that there are Americans with enough courage to realize that freedom isn't free it is paid for in blood by those with the courage to defend it. Those willing to fight and die and kill for it! Believe me Freedom is worth doing all of those things for.
Second up Murtha.
Congressman John Al-Murtha began his tirade: "We've got nation building by the U.S. military, and that's not a mission for the U.S. military. I've said this over and over again: They're not good at nation building. You've given them a mission which they cannot carry out. They do the best they can, but they can't do it."
Obviously government schools did not teach when Murtha was in school either. If some of you remember the US military has done nation building before. Hmmm lets see; oh that's right Japan after WWII. Anyone there know how long that took? Alot longer than what is happening in Iraq. Also look at the nation the U.S. helped build. They still got that Samarai blood in them cause they are over here when push comes to shove. This is a country that went from being our mortal enemy 60 years ago to standing shoulder to shoulder with us in the war on terror.
Rep Murtha, if you remember what Hannibal said when he was defeating the armies of rome he said "Where the will is the way can be found."
I think you have been drinking the liberal kool-aid alittle to long cause you seem afraid of everything. Very Un marine like. Marine do the hard things and then bragg about it.
C'mon be a leader! Being a leader is about making those hard decisions even when they are not popular! Since when do people really know what they want? Or what is good for us. If that was true then God would answer all my prayers. But thank God for unanswered prayers. I can't imagine where I would be if he had answered them all.
I want you to know everytime you get some air play saying what we can't do it. You get Americans service men and coalition and iraqi's killed. Thanks for that! The terrorist love to hear that crap. You embolden them every time you speak. My mother taught me if you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all. Sorry to let you down mom. But Murtha you should follow her advice or at least stop identifitying yourself as a Marine. Then I won't feel so guilty for letting you have it. But let me tell you every time you speak up it gets easier and easier for me. Your fellow Marines out here sign and shake their heads in digust everytime your name comes up. I think they are ashamed. Frankly I don't blame them. If you were in the army I would be ashamed of you.
I just want to know if you even remember at what point you sold out!?! Your time has passed and if you are scared of doing the heavy lifting let someone else do it. Do those of us doing the heavy lifting a favor and keep you yap shut. Cause you aren't helping anyone out here or back at home.
In case you weren't watching. The Iraqi's voted again. This does not mean anything to you and the naysayers. But hey they got their own governement. It may not be perfect but it will get better with time. Also this time the voting was more peaceful then the last two times before and the Sunni's voted in droves.
America! Right now we need to be United! UNITED WE STAND! DIVIDED WE WILL FALL!
Don't let us fall. Take action. Live a life of effort against Americas that have given themselves over to fear and self loathing.
I hear my boxing students say they can't do this or that. I always get upset at them and tell them "quit telling me what you can't do and tell what you can do. All things are possible." Then I get that I'll try crap. I don't let them off the hook with that either. I tell them "Do or Do not. There is no try!" Yoda knew how to say it. Short and sweet. You can if you want to and you are willing to pay the price. The price is never to high for freedom. Especially when Iraqis are dying by the dozens to get their freedom.
Be proud to be an American. America "Our greatest Export is Freedom!" George Washinton. General of the Continetal Army and 1st Pres of the US.
Said Hanoi Jane to the Washington Post, about the killing machines, who weren't killing enough, causing the Military to change procedures: "When you put young people into an atrocity-producing situation where enemy and civilian are commingled, where the 'other side' is dehumanized, we cannot be surprised."
No one is being dehumanized. Soldiers here are not allowed to call iraqis any of the demeaning terms we have back in the states for Arabs. You know what I am talking about. The only dehumanizing out there is the terrorist every time they blow up kids and civilians. But they learned everytime they stand and fight the U.S. they get the taste slapped out of their mouths and the terrorists go home in bags. The nly good place for a terrorist if you ask me.
Hey janie shut your pie hole. This ain't vietnam. I got it your to scared to fight for freedom but you are willing to take America and its freedoms for granted. You are a sorry excuse for a human and an even worse American. You drag down our whole society every time you open your mouth why can't you do something useful and go help France surrender. Your rhetoric will fit right in that country of appeasers.
I am sad that our country has gotten to the point where someone who is afraid to fight for freedom gets press coverage every time they speak. In case anyone reads what the liberals say and most of the celebrities then you know that "they know alot stuff about stuff that is just simply not true"
Do us a favor if you are scared to fight for freedom then stay home and keep your mouth shut and be thankful that there are Americans with enough courage to realize that freedom isn't free it is paid for in blood by those with the courage to defend it. Those willing to fight and die and kill for it! Believe me Freedom is worth doing all of those things for.
Second up Murtha.
Congressman John Al-Murtha began his tirade: "We've got nation building by the U.S. military, and that's not a mission for the U.S. military. I've said this over and over again: They're not good at nation building. You've given them a mission which they cannot carry out. They do the best they can, but they can't do it."
Obviously government schools did not teach when Murtha was in school either. If some of you remember the US military has done nation building before. Hmmm lets see; oh that's right Japan after WWII. Anyone there know how long that took? Alot longer than what is happening in Iraq. Also look at the nation the U.S. helped build. They still got that Samarai blood in them cause they are over here when push comes to shove. This is a country that went from being our mortal enemy 60 years ago to standing shoulder to shoulder with us in the war on terror.
Rep Murtha, if you remember what Hannibal said when he was defeating the armies of rome he said "Where the will is the way can be found."
I think you have been drinking the liberal kool-aid alittle to long cause you seem afraid of everything. Very Un marine like. Marine do the hard things and then bragg about it.
C'mon be a leader! Being a leader is about making those hard decisions even when they are not popular! Since when do people really know what they want? Or what is good for us. If that was true then God would answer all my prayers. But thank God for unanswered prayers. I can't imagine where I would be if he had answered them all.
I want you to know everytime you get some air play saying what we can't do it. You get Americans service men and coalition and iraqi's killed. Thanks for that! The terrorist love to hear that crap. You embolden them every time you speak. My mother taught me if you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all. Sorry to let you down mom. But Murtha you should follow her advice or at least stop identifitying yourself as a Marine. Then I won't feel so guilty for letting you have it. But let me tell you every time you speak up it gets easier and easier for me. Your fellow Marines out here sign and shake their heads in digust everytime your name comes up. I think they are ashamed. Frankly I don't blame them. If you were in the army I would be ashamed of you.
I just want to know if you even remember at what point you sold out!?! Your time has passed and if you are scared of doing the heavy lifting let someone else do it. Do those of us doing the heavy lifting a favor and keep you yap shut. Cause you aren't helping anyone out here or back at home.
In case you weren't watching. The Iraqi's voted again. This does not mean anything to you and the naysayers. But hey they got their own governement. It may not be perfect but it will get better with time. Also this time the voting was more peaceful then the last two times before and the Sunni's voted in droves.
America! Right now we need to be United! UNITED WE STAND! DIVIDED WE WILL FALL!
Don't let us fall. Take action. Live a life of effort against Americas that have given themselves over to fear and self loathing.
I hear my boxing students say they can't do this or that. I always get upset at them and tell them "quit telling me what you can't do and tell what you can do. All things are possible." Then I get that I'll try crap. I don't let them off the hook with that either. I tell them "Do or Do not. There is no try!" Yoda knew how to say it. Short and sweet. You can if you want to and you are willing to pay the price. The price is never to high for freedom. Especially when Iraqis are dying by the dozens to get their freedom.
Be proud to be an American. America "Our greatest Export is Freedom!" George Washinton. General of the Continetal Army and 1st Pres of the US.
Friday, December 02, 2005
REP. Murtha,
You are killing me! Figuratively and literally.
Nuff said. Act like Marine unless you have forgotten how.
If you don't know who REP Murtha then let me tell you. Lately he is the House Rep that has been calling for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq. Along with some other well known appeasers on the left. Not that I am one to name names or anything. (Kerry, dean, pelosi) oops did I just type that. Oh well, I am sure there is a liberal somewhere who will tell me I am not responsible for my actions. Okay so I hope Murtha is attempting to play devils advocate and get a good discussion of strategy about the war going. But honestly I think like so many statesman he has sold out to being a politician. I don't see this being a debate. I only hear him acting like a coward. Thank God he was not around during WWII.
I just about fell out of my Chair when I read a Vietnam Vet and a Marine at that called for a vote of Unilateral pullout of Iraq. Wow!! Who ever said Marines Don't cut and run. Guess they did not know Murtha or I guess they must be talking about Marines on the Active duty. You know what us Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airman and Iraqis fighting for freedom got for that vote. A couple of suicide attacks. Thanks for that! Like life over here ain't hard enough as it is!! Way to support the troops but not the War! While pulling a stunt like that may get you more air time in the Mass media it gets people over here killed. Including some of your fellow Marines. I bet those hard charging Marines would love to know that tidbit.
I'm no intel guy. In fact I am a grunt and I call them like I see them even though I do paper work on the corps level but it seems like to me that everytime someone in our government pulls a stupid stunt like making a statement like the "army is broken and living hand to mouth" and gets some air time then some stupid terrorist blows himself up and kills a bunch of people over here. Like I said I am no intel guy but I am starting to see a trend. Some appeaser and whiner against the war calls for a withdrawal plan then some terrorist over here blows himself up! Coincidence! I think NOT! I don't believe in them. In fact I don't know to many people in the military that do. Jeez guys! Do something and pull out ain't one of the options. That is the equivalent of leaving your buddy in a fist fight with 4 against 2 and you bail on him. So now your leaving him to fight four on 1. I know about that happened to me in high school. Never talked to that guy who bailed out on me ever again. So if we pull out and I was an Iraqi I would hate the US big time. Remember if you read history and I am not talking about that revisionist crap that the media is pushing we cut and run on the Iraqis after the first Gulf War. A lot of good Iraqis got slaughtered by a non destabilized Saddam. So I can see how they have been a little slow to jump on the band wagon over here. But it is happening. Hey the Kurds, the shia and sunni's came to an agreement over the constitution with out a civil war erupting. Stop the press! Someone should call Ripley's that has got to be a first in the middle east. But I digress.
Every time someone like Sen Kerry does an interview and call U.S. military people over here terrorist and that we break into peoples houses at night and terrorize women children. It has an effect on us over here. IT MAKES MY LIFE F'ING HARDER! IT FORCES US TO STAY HERE LONGER!! Honestly if we break into someone's house in the middle of the night.. Hello! It is cause they were a bad guy. Hell we have been doing that to Drug Dealers in the U.S. for over a decade now. Oh wait that probably bothers Sen. Kerry also. Please could the appeasers and whiners please Quit drinking Manson's watered down Kool-aid it is killing your brain cells. I have come to the conclusion that the only person in the democratic party at all worth their salt anymore is Lieberman. There is guy who is calling like he sees it. "Progress is being made!" Also shockingly enough that comment got no media play and no one blew themselves that day. Amazing!
Let me put this war in perspective for those of you warming the bench. We can win it! We are wining it! The only thing that can stop us is our own Fear. My father used to tell me and I tell my daughters "It is okay to be afraid. It is not okay to let fear control you." In case some of you missed that is why they are called terrorists they us fear of death to try and control you. Got news for your we all are gonna die. Nothing can stop that. The question is do you go out fighting or do you go out like a punk. Freedom is like pandora's box. Once you open it you can't close it again. At least not easily.
Also if some of you have not noticed you are witnessing the birth of another great generation. But No liberal or anyone in the Mass Media maybe even you don't want to see it or you are all in denial. I got kids over re upping for 6 and 8 years knowing full well they are coming right back here or the Stan. But they still say "here I am!" Send Me!
Yeah I am not going to lie to you and tell you it doesn't suck. It does! believe me. I miss my family, watching my lovely daughters growing up in digital pictures over email breaks my heart. I have already been gone for half my youngest daughters life. Something I will probably never forgive myself for but if she gets to live free then it will be worth it. That is the bottom line! The stuff so many of the WWII vets figured out and it got lost along the way to the next generation or maybe it skipped a generation.
Hey Murtha, Your remember the first 20 mins of saving private ryan. Well I met an old 82nd Vet during my last all american week when at FT Bragg. Tough man. He was still a Corporal with 4 combat jumps. He was older than my granddad and he still saluted me and called me Sir. Even though I was just a 28 year old 1LT at the time. I asked him when you guys remember Day how do you remeber it? He was honest he said he was not on the beach but some of his buddies that he knew were. They talked about the ocean water was red from American Blood. An Ocean can you imagine. More Americans died on D-day then have died in Iraq and the Stan combined. This vet can still tell me the exact number of guys that died in his chalk when they parachuted in. That is the price of freedom. I guess what Murtha is trying to say is that freedom in Europe is more important then freedom in the middle east. Or that America today does not have the guts in had in the 40s.
I have served with quite a few Marines since the GWOT started. Quite a few actually and I ain't met one yet that is ready to "Cut and run". Oh yeah. I am not living hand to mouth and I am in the Army. Sure it sucks I don't get to curl up with the wife or hold my daughter and let them fall asleep in my arms as I read them a book. It sucks! But I can take it. Most of us can. Cause freedom is that Damn! Important. The U.S. is that Damn! Good!
Oh yeah if some of you think we are spending to much money over here. You should have seen this place when I got here. It was not all a wreak because we blew it up either. Belive you me after the Stan I know the difference between what a dictator does and what U.S. military can do. Most of this country was living in biblical time standards and not buy choice when you consider that the Sunnis were living at least in the 90's as far standards of living goes. But hey that is all well and good as long as it is in the middle east and not Europe. Right.
Wake up America! Your getting bamboozled! Hood winked! Took! I don't know what this crap is about no exit strategy. I have been here for a year and even I know there has been an exit startegy for at least 6 mos before I got here. Also the exit strategy has not changed. I believe I read somewhere that Murtha and Kerry asked for benchmarks. Okay since you guys seem to live in La La land. (That is next to where the teletubbies come from in cause you are wondering.) Or you can't read. There has been an election with a historic turn out, (can you say benchmark) then a constintuion that got ratified by another election.(can you say benchmark) A constitution that all three ethnic groups argued over and boycotted and comprimised on to get it right without causing a civil war (can you say benchmark) and we are racing towards another election on the 15th of this month (can you say benchmark). That means that the iraqi's have there own democratically elected fed governement and constitution. (Can you say benchmark! I thought you could!) If those aren't bench marks I don't know what is. What do you guys needs a handwritten surrender from the terrorists here (not that it would be worth the paper it was written on) or will just their dead bodies be enough? I hope you say you will take the bodies or prisoners. Oh yeah before I forget quit wasting my tax dollars on POW's who are not U.S. citizens. That is what War tribunals are for. If they arent U.S. citizens they don't need to be represented in U.S. Courts.
I know what you negative nay sayers are saying we don't know how to do this we have never done this before. Okay so I get it not everyone remembers history. But you might remember yesterday was 7 DEC. I hope all American's remember 7 DEC 1941. Pearl harbor day, lot of good american service men died. Oh yea! lets see we beat the japanese and then we.... rebuilt their country and helped them become a democracy. Don't blieve me ever wonder why they play baseball. Uh? GEN MacArthur loved that game.
In fact I know Murtha is privlege to the same stuff I am and a whole lot more so how he can say stuff like we can't win is unfathomable. But man you are killing me for every Dean, kerry or Murtha. God I can't believe I am lumping a marine in with those two guys. I hope god forgives me but I would remind Rep Murtha "Semper Fi" But these comments sure does not seem always faithfull to me.
I am sure that the dead Marines and Iraqis trying to go to work and make a life want to thank you for embolden our enemies. Alot of my Marines buddies have a saying that us army guys love to "Death before Dishonor!"
Rep Murtha, You are definetly not as lean, not as mean and to be honest I am wondering if you are still a Marine! Cause right now you don't sound like one. Don't tell me how hard it is for you to watch these young men die. I got a COL over here who son fights in the Stan. I got another COL over here that his nephew is fighting in the Stan. They are proud and scared but all agree this fight has to be fought and has to be won. HAS TO BE WON!!!!
Cut and run Please! This is a strategy? That is the cowards way out. I was raised anything worth doing is never easy. If it was easy then everyone would do it.
So I pose this question to you.
If two houses over from you. The mean man drug his wife out on to the front lawn and began to beat her. What would you do? Probably go to some of your other neighbors and ask for help. Your neighbor is after all a pretty big guy and mean. What if your neighbors said they would not help or worse yet just decided not even to answer the door when you asked for help? Now you look over at his house and he is beating on his kids. Its just you! What do you do?! If you say I would... "say a little prayer and now it is time to take action!" Taking action usually means conquering your fear of dying and putting yourself in harms way by choice. Then welcome to the pro Iraq war movement. Cause that was our choice do nothing or do somthing.
If you say I go back in my house and hide... Time to change your passport cause I think your french.
Little WWII history for you. On the day Pearl harbor was ambushed it is said that Churchill gathered his senior staff together broke out the best bottle of wine he had and toasted his staff to winning the war. Churchill's staff looked at him like he was mad I am sure. "Sir, how can you say that." his aide asked. Churchill remarked "because America is like a huge boiler. When you light a fire under it; it can do anything!" Come on America if you have not figured it out yet the rest of world does not like America because when we say we are gonna do something we usually pay the price to do it. The rest of the world is Jealous! They should be!
So you have to ask yourself how bad is it. I won't lie and tell you it is not tough but it is worth it. To see it over here. It is worth it. The birth of freedom. hey for those of you that have read my blog for awhile I talked about how the U.S. soldiers had to tell the Iraqi soldiers that they get to vote too. The Iraqi's soldiers were blown away! They could not believe they got to vote. Well no one has told them that since. They make sure they vote. Nice the way that works. Oh but wait life is so horrible here that we need to cut and run.
Life is getting better but the decision is ultimately yours. You gonna believe a guy from D.C. who has an agenda or are you gonna believe a guy on the ground over here. Who has been here for a year. These guys from the District pull into town we cater to them for a couple of days and they go back and say crap like I have been reading the last couple of days. But if you have been watching the news then you know that suicide bombings are up over here.
So please think before you speak it is killing me Figuratively and literally!
You are killing me! Figuratively and literally.
Nuff said. Act like Marine unless you have forgotten how.
If you don't know who REP Murtha then let me tell you. Lately he is the House Rep that has been calling for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq. Along with some other well known appeasers on the left. Not that I am one to name names or anything. (Kerry, dean, pelosi) oops did I just type that. Oh well, I am sure there is a liberal somewhere who will tell me I am not responsible for my actions. Okay so I hope Murtha is attempting to play devils advocate and get a good discussion of strategy about the war going. But honestly I think like so many statesman he has sold out to being a politician. I don't see this being a debate. I only hear him acting like a coward. Thank God he was not around during WWII.
I just about fell out of my Chair when I read a Vietnam Vet and a Marine at that called for a vote of Unilateral pullout of Iraq. Wow!! Who ever said Marines Don't cut and run. Guess they did not know Murtha or I guess they must be talking about Marines on the Active duty. You know what us Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airman and Iraqis fighting for freedom got for that vote. A couple of suicide attacks. Thanks for that! Like life over here ain't hard enough as it is!! Way to support the troops but not the War! While pulling a stunt like that may get you more air time in the Mass media it gets people over here killed. Including some of your fellow Marines. I bet those hard charging Marines would love to know that tidbit.
I'm no intel guy. In fact I am a grunt and I call them like I see them even though I do paper work on the corps level but it seems like to me that everytime someone in our government pulls a stupid stunt like making a statement like the "army is broken and living hand to mouth" and gets some air time then some stupid terrorist blows himself up and kills a bunch of people over here. Like I said I am no intel guy but I am starting to see a trend. Some appeaser and whiner against the war calls for a withdrawal plan then some terrorist over here blows himself up! Coincidence! I think NOT! I don't believe in them. In fact I don't know to many people in the military that do. Jeez guys! Do something and pull out ain't one of the options. That is the equivalent of leaving your buddy in a fist fight with 4 against 2 and you bail on him. So now your leaving him to fight four on 1. I know about that happened to me in high school. Never talked to that guy who bailed out on me ever again. So if we pull out and I was an Iraqi I would hate the US big time. Remember if you read history and I am not talking about that revisionist crap that the media is pushing we cut and run on the Iraqis after the first Gulf War. A lot of good Iraqis got slaughtered by a non destabilized Saddam. So I can see how they have been a little slow to jump on the band wagon over here. But it is happening. Hey the Kurds, the shia and sunni's came to an agreement over the constitution with out a civil war erupting. Stop the press! Someone should call Ripley's that has got to be a first in the middle east. But I digress.
Every time someone like Sen Kerry does an interview and call U.S. military people over here terrorist and that we break into peoples houses at night and terrorize women children. It has an effect on us over here. IT MAKES MY LIFE F'ING HARDER! IT FORCES US TO STAY HERE LONGER!! Honestly if we break into someone's house in the middle of the night.. Hello! It is cause they were a bad guy. Hell we have been doing that to Drug Dealers in the U.S. for over a decade now. Oh wait that probably bothers Sen. Kerry also. Please could the appeasers and whiners please Quit drinking Manson's watered down Kool-aid it is killing your brain cells. I have come to the conclusion that the only person in the democratic party at all worth their salt anymore is Lieberman. There is guy who is calling like he sees it. "Progress is being made!" Also shockingly enough that comment got no media play and no one blew themselves that day. Amazing!
Let me put this war in perspective for those of you warming the bench. We can win it! We are wining it! The only thing that can stop us is our own Fear. My father used to tell me and I tell my daughters "It is okay to be afraid. It is not okay to let fear control you." In case some of you missed that is why they are called terrorists they us fear of death to try and control you. Got news for your we all are gonna die. Nothing can stop that. The question is do you go out fighting or do you go out like a punk. Freedom is like pandora's box. Once you open it you can't close it again. At least not easily.
Also if some of you have not noticed you are witnessing the birth of another great generation. But No liberal or anyone in the Mass Media maybe even you don't want to see it or you are all in denial. I got kids over re upping for 6 and 8 years knowing full well they are coming right back here or the Stan. But they still say "here I am!" Send Me!
Yeah I am not going to lie to you and tell you it doesn't suck. It does! believe me. I miss my family, watching my lovely daughters growing up in digital pictures over email breaks my heart. I have already been gone for half my youngest daughters life. Something I will probably never forgive myself for but if she gets to live free then it will be worth it. That is the bottom line! The stuff so many of the WWII vets figured out and it got lost along the way to the next generation or maybe it skipped a generation.
Hey Murtha, Your remember the first 20 mins of saving private ryan. Well I met an old 82nd Vet during my last all american week when at FT Bragg. Tough man. He was still a Corporal with 4 combat jumps. He was older than my granddad and he still saluted me and called me Sir. Even though I was just a 28 year old 1LT at the time. I asked him when you guys remember Day how do you remeber it? He was honest he said he was not on the beach but some of his buddies that he knew were. They talked about the ocean water was red from American Blood. An Ocean can you imagine. More Americans died on D-day then have died in Iraq and the Stan combined. This vet can still tell me the exact number of guys that died in his chalk when they parachuted in. That is the price of freedom. I guess what Murtha is trying to say is that freedom in Europe is more important then freedom in the middle east. Or that America today does not have the guts in had in the 40s.
I have served with quite a few Marines since the GWOT started. Quite a few actually and I ain't met one yet that is ready to "Cut and run". Oh yeah. I am not living hand to mouth and I am in the Army. Sure it sucks I don't get to curl up with the wife or hold my daughter and let them fall asleep in my arms as I read them a book. It sucks! But I can take it. Most of us can. Cause freedom is that Damn! Important. The U.S. is that Damn! Good!
Oh yeah if some of you think we are spending to much money over here. You should have seen this place when I got here. It was not all a wreak because we blew it up either. Belive you me after the Stan I know the difference between what a dictator does and what U.S. military can do. Most of this country was living in biblical time standards and not buy choice when you consider that the Sunnis were living at least in the 90's as far standards of living goes. But hey that is all well and good as long as it is in the middle east and not Europe. Right.
Wake up America! Your getting bamboozled! Hood winked! Took! I don't know what this crap is about no exit strategy. I have been here for a year and even I know there has been an exit startegy for at least 6 mos before I got here. Also the exit strategy has not changed. I believe I read somewhere that Murtha and Kerry asked for benchmarks. Okay since you guys seem to live in La La land. (That is next to where the teletubbies come from in cause you are wondering.) Or you can't read. There has been an election with a historic turn out, (can you say benchmark) then a constintuion that got ratified by another election.(can you say benchmark) A constitution that all three ethnic groups argued over and boycotted and comprimised on to get it right without causing a civil war (can you say benchmark) and we are racing towards another election on the 15th of this month (can you say benchmark). That means that the iraqi's have there own democratically elected fed governement and constitution. (Can you say benchmark! I thought you could!) If those aren't bench marks I don't know what is. What do you guys needs a handwritten surrender from the terrorists here (not that it would be worth the paper it was written on) or will just their dead bodies be enough? I hope you say you will take the bodies or prisoners. Oh yeah before I forget quit wasting my tax dollars on POW's who are not U.S. citizens. That is what War tribunals are for. If they arent U.S. citizens they don't need to be represented in U.S. Courts.
I know what you negative nay sayers are saying we don't know how to do this we have never done this before. Okay so I get it not everyone remembers history. But you might remember yesterday was 7 DEC. I hope all American's remember 7 DEC 1941. Pearl harbor day, lot of good american service men died. Oh yea! lets see we beat the japanese and then we.... rebuilt their country and helped them become a democracy. Don't blieve me ever wonder why they play baseball. Uh? GEN MacArthur loved that game.
In fact I know Murtha is privlege to the same stuff I am and a whole lot more so how he can say stuff like we can't win is unfathomable. But man you are killing me for every Dean, kerry or Murtha. God I can't believe I am lumping a marine in with those two guys. I hope god forgives me but I would remind Rep Murtha "Semper Fi" But these comments sure does not seem always faithfull to me.
I am sure that the dead Marines and Iraqis trying to go to work and make a life want to thank you for embolden our enemies. Alot of my Marines buddies have a saying that us army guys love to "Death before Dishonor!"
Rep Murtha, You are definetly not as lean, not as mean and to be honest I am wondering if you are still a Marine! Cause right now you don't sound like one. Don't tell me how hard it is for you to watch these young men die. I got a COL over here who son fights in the Stan. I got another COL over here that his nephew is fighting in the Stan. They are proud and scared but all agree this fight has to be fought and has to be won. HAS TO BE WON!!!!
Cut and run Please! This is a strategy? That is the cowards way out. I was raised anything worth doing is never easy. If it was easy then everyone would do it.
So I pose this question to you.
If two houses over from you. The mean man drug his wife out on to the front lawn and began to beat her. What would you do? Probably go to some of your other neighbors and ask for help. Your neighbor is after all a pretty big guy and mean. What if your neighbors said they would not help or worse yet just decided not even to answer the door when you asked for help? Now you look over at his house and he is beating on his kids. Its just you! What do you do?! If you say I would... "say a little prayer and now it is time to take action!" Taking action usually means conquering your fear of dying and putting yourself in harms way by choice. Then welcome to the pro Iraq war movement. Cause that was our choice do nothing or do somthing.
If you say I go back in my house and hide... Time to change your passport cause I think your french.
Little WWII history for you. On the day Pearl harbor was ambushed it is said that Churchill gathered his senior staff together broke out the best bottle of wine he had and toasted his staff to winning the war. Churchill's staff looked at him like he was mad I am sure. "Sir, how can you say that." his aide asked. Churchill remarked "because America is like a huge boiler. When you light a fire under it; it can do anything!" Come on America if you have not figured it out yet the rest of world does not like America because when we say we are gonna do something we usually pay the price to do it. The rest of the world is Jealous! They should be!
So you have to ask yourself how bad is it. I won't lie and tell you it is not tough but it is worth it. To see it over here. It is worth it. The birth of freedom. hey for those of you that have read my blog for awhile I talked about how the U.S. soldiers had to tell the Iraqi soldiers that they get to vote too. The Iraqi's soldiers were blown away! They could not believe they got to vote. Well no one has told them that since. They make sure they vote. Nice the way that works. Oh but wait life is so horrible here that we need to cut and run.
Life is getting better but the decision is ultimately yours. You gonna believe a guy from D.C. who has an agenda or are you gonna believe a guy on the ground over here. Who has been here for a year. These guys from the District pull into town we cater to them for a couple of days and they go back and say crap like I have been reading the last couple of days. But if you have been watching the news then you know that suicide bombings are up over here.
So please think before you speak it is killing me Figuratively and literally!