Sunday, September 25, 2005

25 SEP 05: Final bell at end of the final round

Well I have finally decided to give up coaching the boxing class. I have done a lot of work standing up the program that has gone for 9 mos and been very successful but I have grown weary of some of the stuff that goes along with taking on other instructors.

Over the past couple of months it has been more work then it should be to go and instruct. Coaching is alot like soldiering and teaching. You have to love what you are doing and when you don't love it anymore it is time for me to hang it up.

I found I have grown weary of people talking and joking around in class especially when I am trying to instruct. I enjoy one on one coaching alot more. It is more beneficial for the student and the instructor. Cause the instructor get the benefit of not having to deal with distractions and a student who wants to learn.

Good luck to my replacement. I hope he balances it all as well as I did.

on other random news. Wladmir klitsko won by unanimous decision last night over Samuel Peter. Which goes to what I was saying all along that samuel peter has not fought any real opponents yet and that he would be in for a shock when he went up against someone who wanted to box.

Well if you are still in the fight just keep punching.


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