Wednesday, September 07, 2005

07 SEP 05: Life in the desert

Well I may live in a palace but as you know life in a war zone is not with out its problems. Water for the palace is out. So we have to use porta johns. Which is not to bad for me because I am on the ground floor. But I remember how much of a pain it used to be when I was up on the 3rd floor of this monument to a tyrant.
Don't get me wrong I am not complaining. The quality of life here is 100% better than when i was in Afghanistan back in 2003.

We got a great box from the Voigt family out of Minnesota. I wonder if they are getting snow up there yet? But SSG Cundiff says thank you for the Instone. In case you are wondering he is the one who towers over all the rest of us in the group photo that is posted on the site. In case you are wondering he is 6'5" he is not standing on a box or on his tip toes. Thanks for your support. I kept the Muscle milk this time. I was the lowest. Thanks from all of us that you support.

Well the mornings are getting cool. I am told that it is unusal for this time of year. But the last two mornings it has only been 79 when I come in at 0700 hrs. It has also during the day it is only getting up to like 105. So we have been pretty happy. Infact the wind even seems to be cooperating because it is a nice cool breeze. Usually the wind here is like the hot blast when you open your oven.

Hey in a war you get exited about the little things like mail, and friends. Stuff like that.

Okay time for me to get on a soap box now. I saw yesterday on the net that SEN Clinton is calling for 9/11 committee on katrina. Please right your congressman and senators to stop the finger pointing. The cost of the 9/11 commision cost way to much and did very little to fix the problems. I don't think our governement can really afford to waste a couple billion dollars to do nothing. Tax money needs to got to the war and finding terrorist and to the victims of katrina. Not to a bunch of politicians who are just trying to place blame on everyone but themselves and the beauracratic mess they have created. So please write your senators and congressman and tell them to stop the maddness.


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