29 AUG 05: Fights and turtles

Okay well after some doing we have managed to get a ring to hold the fights in. So we will have some boxing matches that will commence at 1900 on 3 SEP 05. The only thing that can stop us now is the Docs and the weather. Since this is an outdoor event a good duststorm could ruin it. Hopefully it will go well.
As for the turtles. In our lake/moat around our palace I descoverd we have a soft shelled turle. Looks like a bottle nose. I would estimate his shell at about 18 inches so he pretty good sized. He has started coming around when we feed the fish. I am attempting to get picture of the guy. But no luck.
The picture above is of a Green Sea turtle that I took while I was in hawaii on the big island. I went to black sand beach and got close to a green sea turtle the hawaii word for is Honu. you might recognize them from finding nemo. The guys that stole the movie in my opinion "MR Turtle is my Dad's name."
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