Wednesday, August 17, 2005

17 AUG 05: Killing Time

Well alot of people have asked what I am doing now. The reason for the question is because I started a new job. Like many of you who know me I long to be out there sucking with the men in fight. But alas my new job is even further away from the fight then I was before. Now I do even more paperwork. Yummy.
I do the best I can at a job I don't like. luckily I have a great SSG working for me that keeps me straight.

So the rest of my free time has been spent setting up a boxing smoker for 3 SEP. The Boxing tournament should be alot of fun for everyone here. I have gotten alot of help from everyone around the Camp; The mayors cell, MWR, 44th medcom.

I am still training fighters and running the boxing class on mon, wed, sat. But lately I have been training as much as my knee allows me.

Like I always say here. The real enemy is time. I understand what Malcolm X meant about your enemy is time and boredom. So I always attempt to keep the days as full as possible. The new job helps cause the work is alot more steady.

But there is still time.


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