Monday, March 21, 2005

Travel to little Tokyo in Iraq 21 MAR 05

Well this morning started at about its normal time. To early! Actually it was about 3 hours after its normal time for me. Let me explain. Most morning I get up a 0330 so that I can make to the gym while there is next to nobody there. I do cardio and callestenics for about and hour or so and then I go show to make it into work at about 0700.

This morning I slept in until about 0500. That is sleeping late for me. Sleeping really late for me is going until 0600. Any way I got up walked the mile to the chow hall ate and eggwhite omlet a piece of french toast, grape juice, choclate milk. Then I walked another mile back to my trailer to get ready to take my helicopter ride to Samawah. Talk about flat. That place is flat. Some of the Japanese forces are located there so they had a visit today. So I went to the flight line boarded a black hawk or UH-60 which ever you perfer and take the 1hour 45 min flight to the middle of no where. I got some great pictures of the stuff on the way out there. god be willing I will be able to add the pictures to the blog soon.

I got to travel with the italian Major Genreals (MG) personnal security Detachemnt (PSD). We got along great. Go figure boys and their toys as my wife might say. But they had some very nice M-4 and I was also very intrested to learn that the Italian PSD team was also in Afghanistan. They were in kwost at the same time I was in Baghdad. So I might have seen them when they came in from the boonies.

Okay so In little tokyo as I affectionately refer to the Japanese compound. We at a traditional Japanese meal. I used Chopsticks as I have since I was like in the fourth grade. The things you pickup when you are an army brat that will stay with you for ever. Not to mention when those things that you learn will come in handy in yourlife. I was also impressed at how fast the little bit of japanese that I knew came back to me. But it was just like falling off a bike. no matter how old you get you can always fall off the dog gone thing. The Japanese put on a show of Judo complete with rondori. Which is like a judo match where each player attacks and does defense at the same time. If you have watched it in the olympics then you know what I am talking about. From there they did a display of theatrical drum playing. The japanese name for the drums escapes me at the moment. Maybe if I remember later then I will add it to the blog. But today I just don't remember. but I got great pics and video. From there we made our farwells and boarded our helicopters to return to my house built on sand in baghdad.

So I suffered through the rest of my shift and then walked over to the gym to teach boxing class with SFC Myers and SSG Micotta, we had 28 students to teach. I the class goes alot longer when you have that many students training at the same time. I have a new found respect for Scott "Conan" Mincey now.

That's all Vick


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