Sunday, March 20, 2005

20 Mar 05

Well as some of you have noticed I am a little behind on this blog. Well like I said most of my days are really quite the same. Hence the reason for books and email to break the monotony.

Okay the last couple of days has been filled with lifting and boxing instruction and my boxing work out and lifting. So right now most of you are thinking I am at a health spa and not combat but that is the way it goes sometimes.

Okay some of the goings on I have seen since I have been here in lovely baghdad. for instance the AL Faw palace is built on the Huessein family hunting reserve as a result the animals all went and hid during the war but now that the major combat is over the animals are coming back all over the place. For instance there are birds all over the place. We have magpies here that sound like crows and are as big as crows. They are really strange to see they have a white body except for a black patch on their chest. I have been trying to get a picture of one for weeks. But the dog gone birds never stick around long enough for me to get a picture of one. But it will happen.

There are also carp in the man made lake outside that could put some of the U.S. cat fish to shame. These guys are really big. Some of them approaching 4 feet. They are surface feeders. We feed them so they are gonna keep getting bigger.

One night last week on my way to the gym I was cutting through a parking area. Yes there are parking areas here on and I encoutered two coyotes and a fox. They seemed to be traveling as a pack. I saw that and immediately thought of the movie Ice Age "we are the strangest herd ever!" they were the strangest pack I have ever seen and I am from okalhoma I know coyote packs. Coyotes are every where around ten killer and camp gruber.

Okay for the real exciting news there is a lion loose on the compound somewhere. Can you believe that; a real lion! So remember if you are on baghdad that if you are running around lost lake to take a buddy. Remember you don't have to out run the lion you just got to out run your buddy. So don't be the slow guy. For those of you who did not grow up on National Geograpic specials Lions like to pick off the slow and the weak or sick. Just something to think about.

Well MWR has given me a room to keep all of the Boxing equipment at the gym in. It is kind of nice. It makes teaching boxing class much easier. In fact there are very few places that I can go without runing into someone in my boxing class. I have on average 20-24 students a night. It makes it hard for one person to teach but I am getting help now. SSG Micotta is a real help. Like me he is a wounded boxer. He does private workouts and helps coach but the days of climbing into the ring for mere sport are probably over. But you never know. God does work miracles. If Bo Jackson can play baseball and Dennis Bryd can walk again anything can happen. Nothing is truly imposible.

Well good night and god speed.

"Freedom isn't free it is paid for in Blood by those with the courage to defend it!"


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